Information Technology

Abington School District recognizes the importance of technology in a twenty-first century education, and is committed to supporting learning with a wide array of technological resources.

The Information Technology Department is responsible for planning, oversight and support for the instructional and administrative uses of computer, audiovisual and telecommunications systems in all Abington School District schools and offices.  Our number one goal is to enable a seamless, dependable technology-rich learning environment.  We provide technology to foster student-centered learning, efficient administrative operations, effective community communications, and 24/7 access to educational resources.

Need Technology Assistance?


Email the Technology department

Matthew Snead
Director of Information Technology

Justin Brooks
Supervisor of Technology

Richard Greene
Lead Technical Analyst

Philip Cho
System Administrator

Geffrey Hayes
Technical Analyst

Gabriel Perez
Technical Specialist

Rebekah Perry
Administrative Assistant

George Rondinelli
Technical Analyst

Adele Rossi
Technical Analyst

Ryan Walsh
Technical Analyst

Michael Wilkins
Technical Analyst